Clear Creek Outfitter shore lunch.Well the bugs are out and in pretty good numbers. I was afraid that last years super low water levels may have put a hurting on em but evidently not. However they did seem a little slow to start. A week ago you really needed a little warm up to get things going, but recently it’s been steady from about 10am on.
Everyone and I mean everyone seems to be catching some quality fish. With a lot of brownies showing up to eat. Fishing pressure can be moderate to somewhat busy depending on the day of week you pick and what the weather forecast looks like. Nasty day, you may have the stretch to yourself.
We have had a constant pattern of moisture moving through. Rain/snow almost every day so this is great news for the upcoming summer. There is no telling what May and June will bring but bar any really hot temps we should have good flows this summer. Last year at this time we had a pretty substantial bump in flows due to warm temps.
Fishing should continue to be good till we do see a bump. And as spring progress we should start to see more of the smaller stones appearing along with the Drakes that have been showing up hear and there.