The fishing has been productive this spring. And fairly crowded, depending on the day. If it’s a nice weekend day; you can bet everybody and their brother will be out. Good time to take a chance on the Blackfoot or Clarkfork. Even if conditions are not stellar, these options can put you on fish that haven’t been hammered.This weekend’s weather will bump flows next week, but maybe not to the extent as the forecast at the beginning of the week predicted.
Really, the key to good fishing has been dependent on the day. More than the fly you choose. Warmer overcast days with low wind is the trick. On this kind of day any Stonefly pattern in the 10-14 size will do the trick. A Brindlechute, with a stonefly nymph will also keep you connected. Sunny days can still be productive, with the right attitude. Nymphing likely being the game. Just make sure you have a rubber-leg on. For some reason the trout decided they don’t like the san juan just yet? Maybe post runoff.?
This is spring fishing. No reason to be on the river at 9. Bankers hours, get out and get that arm in shape..