Warmer temps has brought on the muddy and high water. In a way getting rid of a little of it now may be good. Otherwise we could have high water mid-July. The Skwala hatchway one of the best in years with some great stuff on top. It just seemed to come a bit later this year. Right now Drakes are thick in many areas. Really the only way to find fish locally would be the side channels on the Root.
This is the time of year the Craig folks probably dread. influx of boats from the West and the south. But perhaps with a little courtesy shown. We can welcome them on our headwaters when they’re weeded up.? Flows are high over there. And could bump even more with the need to relieve the reservoir. Firebead stuff, Ray C’s Rainbow Czech, pink lightning bugs, and all the worms with a bit more weight will get it done.